WHO ARE THE KNIGHTS OF RIZAL? Established in 1911, the Knights of Rizal (KOR) is the sole order of knighthood in the Philippines.The KOR is not a fraternity or fraternal order but a chivalric order. There is a knighthood ceremony and degrees of membership but there are no secret handshakes or passwords. It is a civic and patriotic organization.

The KOR is created to honor and uphold the ideals of Philippine national hero Jose Rizal. Its ranks and insignia are recognized in the Honors Code of the Philippines as official awards of the Republic and is the Eighth Class Rank in the order of precedence of civilian decorations of the Orders, decorations and medals of the Philippines.


The KOR was granted a legislative charter by President Elpidio Quirino as a non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-racial civic, patriotic, and cultural organization under Republic Act 646 on June 14, 1951. The Order's insignia has since been approved to be worn by the Philippine diplomatic corps.

Three Links Chapter with the officers of the Supreme Council of the Knights of Rizal

WHO ARE THE FOUNDERS OF THE KNIGHTS OF RIZAL? On December 30, 1911, Colonel Antonio C. Torres organized a group of 9 men for the purpose of commemorating in an honorable manner the execution and martyrdom of the national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. Year after year, the same group would gather to celebrate the birth and commemorate the death of Dr. Jose Rizal. This group would be seen conspicuously on horseback reminiscent of the knights of old known for their chivalry and exemplary life.


To provide a continuing entity and to encourage others to join, on November 16, 1916, they registered and organized a private non-stock corporation and named it the “Orden de Caballeros de Rizal.” The incorporators of the corporation were: Antonio C. Torres, Juan Flameńo, Martin P. de Veyra, Jose A. del Barrio and Jose S. Galvez. Colonel Antonio C. Torres, who before the last war was Chief of Police of Manila, was the first Supreme Commander. 


WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF KNIGHTS OF RIZAL? Generally, the purposes of the Knights of Rizal are the following:

§  To study the teachings of Dr. Jose Rizal.

§  To inculcate and propagate them in and among all classes of Filipino people.

§  To exhort our citizenry by words and deeds, to emulate and practice the examples and teachings of our national hero.

§  To promote among all Knights the spirit of patriotism and Rizalian chivalry.

§  To develop a perfect union among the Filipinos in revering the memory of Dr. Jose Rizal.

§  To organize and hold programs commemorating Rizal’s birth and martyrdom; and

§  Wherever possible, to share these ideals with peoples of all cultures.


WHAT IS THE MOTTO OF THE KNIGHTS OF RIZAL? Non Omnis Moriar (I shall not wholly die)

Official Emblem of the Knights of Rizal
Official Emblem of the Knights of Rizal



§  Loves his country and people;

§  Promotes international understanding among peoples and nations;

§  Venerates the memory of the nation’s heroes by making their ideals his own;

§  Values honor as he values his life;

§  Strives to do justice to all his fellowmen;

§  Finds meaning and purposes in life;

§  Upholds freedom at all costs;

§  Maintains a tolerant and understanding attitude towards his fellowmen;

§  Believes in the value of education as essential to the formation of the character of man;

§  Promotes social justice and general welfare;

§  Is industrious, self-reliant, persevering and conscious of the plight of the less fortunate;

§  Is truthful and honest in thoughts, words and in deeds.


WHERE CAN WE FIND KOR CHAPTERS? Since its founding, the KOR has grown to more than 25,000 members belonging to 131 active chapters in the Philippines and 61 active chapters around the world including Australia, Argentina, Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Brunei, Bahrain, Indonesia, Croatia, Papua New Guinea, Belarus, Ireland, Belgium, Finland, Norway, France, Denmark, Sweden, Slovenia, Japan, Nigeria, Fiji, Mauritius, Seychelles, Czech Republic, Qatar, Solomon Island, Cambodia, Saudi Arabia , Switzerland, Singapore, Lebanon, Moldova, South Korea, South Africa, Morocco, New Zealand, Malaysia, Tonga, Russia, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, India, Monaco, Israel, Macau, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Myanmar, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Portugal, Serbia, Romania, Greece, Germany, Italy, Hong Kong , Thailand, Lithuania, Timor-Leste, UK, Ukraine, Turkey, Tunisia, Taiwan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada and the United States.


Headquarters of the Supreme Council, Knights of Rizal

DO I KNOW ANYONE PROMINANT WHO IS A KOR MEMBER? Prominent members of the KOR include: 

1. Presidents of the Philippines - Emilio Aguinaldo, José P. Laurel, Manuel L. Quezon, Carlos P. Garcia, Diosdado Macapagal, Ferdinand E. Marcos, Fidel V. Ramos, Joseph Ejercito Estrada, Benigno Aquino III, Rodrigo Duterte.


2. Foreign recipients - King Juan Carlos I of Spain, Henry Kissinger, Anwar Ibrahim, Austin Coates, John Ensign, Daisaku Ikeda, Kiyoshi Sumiya


WHAT ARE THE QUALIFICATIONS MEMBERSHIP? The KOR is open to men of legal age with good moral character and reputation who received admission upon the endorsement of two active Knights and the approval of the Supreme Council. Upon approval, the candidate will undergo a "Knighthood" ceremony. 

A peek during the "Knighthood Ceremony" of the Knights of Rizal


WHAT ARE IT’S DEGREES OF MEMBERSHIP? There are five degrees of membership in the KOR:

First Degree or Knight of Rizal (KR) - A candidate who is admitted and initiated into the first degree is known as a Knight of Rizal/KR. To qualify for admission to the first degree: one must be of legal age, of good moral character and reputation, who believes in Rizal and willing to learn more about him and follow his teachings. Application for membership shall be made in writing and duly endorsed by at least 2 members in good standing in the Order and approved by the Supreme Council recommended by the chapter concerned.

§  Second Degree or Knight Officer of Rizal (KOR) -A Knight Officer of Rizal is one who has been elevated to the 2nd degree upon fulfillment of the following work requirements: he must have served the Order at least 6 months in the 1st degree and must also be favorably recommended by the chapter prefectural tribunal.


§  Third Degree or Knight Commander of Rizal KCR) - A Knight Commander of Rizal is one who has been exalted to the 3rd degree. Any Knight of Rizal, regardless of the degree he is in or of the time he has served therein, who has fulfilled the requirements as may be prescribed by the Supreme Council for the purpose may be exalted as “Knight Commander of Rizal”, upon approval of the Supreme Council. A Knight of Rizal who has been elected as Chapter Commander shall be qualified for exaltation as KCR. However, any person not a member of the Order, who has distinguished himself by meritorious service which has enhanced the objective of the Order, upon written recommendation to the Lower Prefectural Tribunal of the chapter concerned.


§  Fourth Degree or Knight Grand Officer of Rizal (KGOR) - Any Knight of Rizal or any person who has performed an outstanding achievement for the Philippines or for the Order, may be conferred the degree of KGOR by the Supreme Council; provided, that any Knight of Rizal who is elected Supreme Council Trustee shall also be conferred the degree of Knight Grand Officer of Rizal.

§  Fifth Degree or Knight Grand Cross of (KGCR) - Any Knight of Rizal or any person who has performed an outstanding achievement for the Philippines or for the Order, may be conferred the degree of KGCR by the Supreme Council at a Regular or Special General Assembly called for the purpose. After the election and organization of the Executive Officers of the Order, a Trustee elected as Supreme Commander shall be conferred the Knight Grand Cross of Rizal.

Non Omnis Moriar! 

- Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento, KCR


1. Handbook of the Order of the Knights of Rizal

2. Official website of the Knights of Rizal


TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. The Encyclopedia of Philippine Fraternities and Sororities 
(Still in progress).


TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Odd Fellows: Rediscovering More Than 200 Years of History, Traditions, and Community Service (KDP Amazon, 2019).

TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Odd Fellows Manual: Modern Guide to the Origin, History, Rituals, Symbols and Organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (KDP Amazon, 2020).

TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Ancient Rites of Odd Fellowship: Revisiting the Revised Ritual of the Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows, 1797 (KDP Amazon, 2020).

TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Odd Fellows Encampment: Brief History and Introduction to the Degrees, Symbols, Teachings and Organization of Patriarchal Odd Fellowship (KDP Amazon, 2020).

About the Author

Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento finished his Associate in Health Science Education in 2007; Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Certificate in Human Resource Management and Certificate in Women’s Studies in 2010; Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology in 2013; and Juris Doctor (law) degree in 2020.


He is instrumental in re-establishing Odd Fellowship in the Philippines. He is a Past Grand and Past District Deputy Sovereign Grand Master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is credited for connecting thousands of members from various countries when he created and managed the first social media groups and pages of the “Independent Order of Odd Fellows” and "Odd Fellows International" from 2009-2019. He is also credited for writing and creating most of the modern literature and infographics about Odd Fellowship on the internet at a time when the organization had almost zero presence online, including the first YouTube videos and the wikipedia entries about the Odd Fellows. Because of his contributions, he was appointed as Public Relations Coordinator and member of both the Communications Committee and the Revitalization Committee of the Sovereign Grand Lodge from 2012-2015. He spent more than six years visiting hundreds of Lodges and several Grand Lodges across the United States and Canada to read hundreds of journals, records and books; observe Grand Lodge sessions and meetings; and conduct interviews to be able to write books about the Odd Fellows.


He is an advocate for the preservation of historical fraternal organizations, service clubs and civic associations. He is a member of all branches of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), including the Rebekah Lodge, Encampment and Patriarchs Militant. He is also affiliated with the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (GUOOF); Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans (AMOS); Noble Order of Muscovites (Muscovites); International Order of DeMolay (IOD); International Order of Free Gardeners (IOFG); Universal Druid Order (UDO); Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (OSMTH); Knights of Rizal (KOR); The Fraternal Order of Eagles - Philippine Eagles (TFOE-PE); and Tau Gamma Phi or Triskelion Grand Fraternity (TGP). As a hobby, he writes articles and collects books and artifacts related to fraternal organizations, service clubs and other civic associations.


1. Odd Fellows Rediscovering More than 200 Years of History, Traditions and Community Service (Odd Fellows history and its relationship with world history)

Full color: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733851208

Black and White: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733851224

E-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Q8DKFJZ


2. Odd Fellows Manual: Modern Guide to the Origin, History, Rituals, Symbols and Organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (brief history, organizational structure, and generally-accepted internal rules and principles)

Full color: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733851259

Black and white: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733851283


3. Ancient Rites of Odd Fellowship: Revisiting the Revised Rituals of the Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows, 1797

Black and white: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733851232

E-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KHDG17S


4. Odd Fellows Encampment: A Brief History and Introduction to Patriarchal Odd Fellowship

Full color: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1733851275

E-book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08LZQQDWM


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