By Louie Blake S. Sarmiento

Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Juris Doctor



    In all times and among all nations which have reached a sufficient level of cultural development, there have always been fraternal associations formed for higher purposes. The origin of fraternity, as a principle, is as old as humankind. Humans always have that natural desire to associate with each other for a common purpose – either for social, philosophical, political, religious, charitable, mutual-benefit, or business purposes. Fraternities or so-called brotherhoods existed since the early civilizations, first among sworn kinsmen, Roman collegias, Orders of Knighthood, craft guilds, and burial clubs. Although ordinary men did not yet have a recognized “right to association” during the days of monarchy, fraternity as an idea existed in so-called ‘secret societies’ or ‘secret brotherhoods’- where the working class, middle-class and even some aristocrats fraternized with each other and practiced early democracy.

"A Fraternal Lodge is a form of social and community organization. The first fraternal Lodges came into being in the 1600's, when remnants of the medieval guild system were taken over and reshaped to meet the needs of new mercantile society. Freemasonry, which evolved out of stonemasons' craft guilds, and Odd Fellowship, which has its roots in journeymen's organizations of the late Middle Ages, are two of the very few organizations to have survived up until today from this earliest period."

United Kingdom


    Many researchers and historians agree that the development of Fraternities, as a type of organization, can be clearly traced from trade guilds which emerged in England and Scotland. Trade guilds, also called as craft guilds, are an association of artisans or merchants who oversee the practice of their trade in a particular town. There were over a hundred craft guilds in London alone. The Fraternity of Butchers, for example, owned a meeting Hall as early as 975 and has charters dating 1605 and 1637. The Fraternity of Cooks owned the first cook’s shop in 1170, and, in 1438, there is a reference to the “Masters of the mysteries of Cooks, Pastelers and Piebakers”. The first written reference mentions of a "Master Carpenter" in the City of London’s records dated year 1271, and the Most Worshipful Company of Carpenters received its first Royal Charter in 1477. A record dated 1345 mentioned that a Fraternity of Gardeners petitioned the Lord Mayor to sell produce in front of the church in Austin. The oldest surviving record of a Free Gardeners Lodge dates in 1676 in Scotland. The Most Worshipful Company of Masons in England formed in 1356 and received its charter in 1677. In Scotland, the Incorporation of Wrights and Masons was formed in 1475. Some surviving records show that a number of these guilds eventually accepted "non-operatives" to join at the beginning of the 1600's. As a result, the membership eventually split into two types: operative and speculative.

"A Medieval Master Baker and his Apprentice"

    These guilds were sworn brotherhoods that had binding oaths to support one another in times of adversity and back one another in trade ventures alongside with their philosophical and ceremonial role. Meetings involved proper decorum and wearing of regalia such as chains of office, special robes and so on. They have elaborate initiation ceremonies in which apprentices who join go through a step-by-step “initiatory rites” intended to teach them the mysteries and secrets of the trade, moral principles, and to ascend them into hierarchy within the association – from apprentice, fellow craft and Master of the trade.

"The Guild of Gardeners can be traced back to
the 14th Century. Free Gardeners Lodges 
in Scotland in the 17th Century (Circa 1640)." 

    Traditionally, these guilds provided material and financial aid to their members in times of sickness, economic distress or in finding employment when out of work. When a member could not obtain work in his town, he can travel to the next town and ask assistance from fellow members. Noting that there were no telephones at that time and mode of communication was still very slow, the brotherhoods used secret hand-grips, symbols and passwords as proof of membership so that a member could avail food or financial assistance from the same Guild located in the next town.

    During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, however, the ‘Statute of Apprentices’ was passed which took the responsibility for apprenticeship away from the guilds. The nature and scope of work was also changing, thus, the role of the guilds eventually went into decline. This removed an important form of social and financial support among ordinary workers.

    In major cities such as London, some guilds survived as Livery Companies (operative) while others evolved intro Fraternal Orders or Friendly Societies (speculative) by adapting their roles to a social support function focused on brotherhood, mutual-aid, charity and ethical living. By the late 1600s to the early 1700s, a number of fraternal orders emerged in England and Scotland. Some lodges of the Free Masons, for example, allegedly evolved to become the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Some lodges of the Free Gardeners evolved to become the Ancient Order of Free Gardeners. Several other fraternities with a guild-like name, such as the Order of Free Colliers, Order of Free Carpenters, United Order of Cabinet Makers and the Ancient Order of Odd Fellows, also came into existence.

"There are more than 100 Livery Companies in London, comprising ancient and modern trade associations and guilds. Almost all of which are styled the ‘Worshipful Company of...’ their respective craft, trade or profession. Similar to many fraternal orders, livery companies also have a passion for dressing up in unusual robes, for participating in arcane ceremonies and use titles for many of their officers such as: Past Master, Master, Deacon, Warden, Steward, Almoner, Chaplain, etc. They function very similar to the operative lodges but, like fraternal orders, they also have ceremonial and charitable goals."

Coat of Arms of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters first founded as a Guild in 1271.

United States

    By the mid-1700s to early-1800s, many of these fraternities were imported to America by English immigrants. These groups offered social and financial support at a time when governments barely provided social security and welfare services. By joining, members can be contributors or recipients of charity and could protect themselves and their families against illness, accident, injury or death. The network of fraternal lodges furnished proxy families that could help disabled and distressed members and, at the same time, also served as a social network for traveling members looking for a job in a new country. Initiation ceremonies, on the other hand, taught moral codes and principles which presented civic virtues and equality before the law.

    Later, the concept of fraternity was established in colleges. The first among these are the Flat Hat Club (1750) and P.D.A. Society (1773) focused on literary and scholarship. The oldest Greek-named fraternity is Phi Beta Kappa founded in 1776 (PBK is no longer a social fraternity but transformed into an academic honor society).

    The Age of Enlightenment was a time when religious fanaticism and violent executions by the church and power abuse by the ruling class were beginning to be publicly criticized by intellectuals. A new way of thinking based on reason over superstition emerged. New ideas such as democracy which supported working men’s freedom and rights to vote, fair wages, fair education and religious tolerance were beginning to reach the minds of common people. The idea “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” was born. The French Revolution and American Revolution resulted to the birth of today’s democratic societies which further allowed the fraternities to flourish under the protection of the constitutional ‘right of association.’

    By the mid-1800s, fraternities flourished in North America. Along with European and American colonization of Asia and the Pacific, lodges or chapters of these fraternities were eventually established in different parts of the continent.


    In the Philippines, Spaniards and other colonizers from Europe established the first fraternities in the Islands as early as the 1850's. Primera Luz Filipina under the Gran Oriente Luisitano or Continental Freemasonry (sometimes labeled as Irregular or Clandestine Freemasonry by their mainstream counterpart), was the first fraternal lodge established in the Philippine Islands in 1856. However, membership at this time was exclusive only to Spaniards due to the legal status of Filipinos at that time. Undoubtedly, the Philippine Islands was not internationally recognized as a State or country per seyet but looked upon as a mere colony of Spain. The native Filipinos were also considered mere ‘subjects of Spain’ (almost like slaves) under the Spanish Constitution in force at the time. Hence, the native Filipinos were deprived of the right to association and the concept of joining ‘fraternities’ was still a foreign idea among the natives. 

The seal of the Supreme Council of the KKK

suggests an influence or a link with the Freemasons

and Odd Fellows Fraternity. The seal used a square

and compass (prominent symbol of the Masonic Fraternity),

intertwined chain links (prominent symbol of the

Odd Fellows Fraternity) and the skull (an emblem which

symbolizes the mortality of mankind, both used by the Masons

and Odd Fellows in their initiation ceremonies to teach the

lesson of the temporary nature of human life).


    The book, History and Geography of the Philippine Islands (1908), author O.W. Coursey stated that: “The awakening of the Filipinos to a deep sense of injustice being practiced upon them by the colonizers was the introduction of 'fraternal' societies in the Islands, and to the influence of higher education obtained by those of means to schools of Hong-Kong and other old-world countries.” This is perhaps the propagation of the ideals of "liberty, equality, and fraternity" (freedom of association) taught by these fraternities in their degrees of initiation.

    The book further mentioned that the “Society of Odd Fellows” spread to the Philippine islands in 1872, and was largely responsible for the petty insurrection of the following year. Anglo-American Freemasonry (also known as mainstream or regular Freemasonry) followed in 1877. Most of the early members of these groups were American Military men and their allies who eventually helped fought the Spanish-American war. These fraternities established lodges or chapters in the country and held their meetings in naval and military base camps in Manila and Cebu. Wealthy Filipinos who had the opportunity to study abroad, on the other hand, were accepted as members in Europe under the promise that they will remain loyal to the Spanish crown. When they returned to the Islands, they also formed fraternal lodges in the country. The first Filipino Masonic lodge was founded in 1891 is known as ‘Nilad Lodge’, following the traditions of the Gran Oriente Español or Continental Freemasonry.


    The first documented brotherhood or fraternity originally founded by Filipinos is the Katipunan, short for ‘Kataastaasang Kagalangalangang Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan’ (Supreme and Venerable Society of the Sons of the People), founded by anti-Spanish Filipinos in Manila in 1892 with the primary aim of gaining independence from Spain through revolution. After the Spanish authorities learned of their existence in 1896, Bonifacio and his men tore up their cédulas and started the Philippine Revolution.


Initiation into the Katipunan

    In 1899, the ties between Filipino and Americans was disrupted and the Filipino-American war emerged so the development and progress of fraternities in the country was interrupted. When the war ended in 1902, the Freemasons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and Elks officially established lodges or chapters in the country.


    Later, the concept of college fraternities began to form when American Education (University system) was introduced in the colony. State Universities were the first to enjoy “College Fraternity Life”, particularly in the University of the Philippines (UP). The first college fraternity was Rizal Center, which was founded in UP as a brotherhood of Jose Rizal followers who viewed the hero in iconic fashion was founded (This fraternity is already defunct). The first Filipino Greek Letter Fraternity, Upsilon Sigma Phi, was founded in 1918 and is considered as the oldest greek-lettered fraternity in Asia. This fraternity still exists today although the membership seems to be exclusive only to UP Dilliman and UP Los Baños students. The oldest greek sorority in the Philippines is the UP Sigma Beta Sorority founded on February 14, 1932. Membership also seems to be exclusive only to UP Dilliman, UP Los Banos, UP Iloilo and UP Davao students.

    The progress of fraternities was again interrupted when Japan colonized the Philippines in 1941. When the Filipino-American-Japanese war ended in 1944, Philippine fraternities started to rise again and many Filipinos started setting up their own brand of fraternities and sororities.


    The peak of fraternalism in the Philippines was probably between 1950s to 1990s when many foreign and local fraternities were founded all over the country. Several American fraternities were also imported, including the Order of DeMolay in 1946 and the Alpha Phi Omega in 1950. Some locally founded fraternities also tried to make allies with fraternities in the United States. In 1984, the Alpha Sigma Phi of the Philippines was able to establish fraternal ties with the Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity of the United States of America, although this relationship was eventually annulled in 2013. 

Decline of Fraternalism in the Philippines


    There is a noticeable membership decline of all fraternities and sororities in the Philippines at the beginning of year 2000. The reasons are numerous: the negative public image of fraternities brought about by deaths due to hazing; so-called "frat wars" in the past that brought violence inside school campuses and communities; and the alleged alcoholic or drug abuse commonly associated with fraternity members. 

Not all fraternities practice hazing and not all members are violent. But the senseless deaths due to the violent "frat-wars" and hazing practiced by several several fraternities resulted to a negative public image and a declined public trust towards fraternities in the country. Today, many schools no longer recognize fraternities and sororities on their campuses. Many parents of today also discourage their children from joining fraternities and sororities.

    At present, the number of fraternities in the country continue to diminish. Over a hundred fraternities formed in the 1980's to the 1990's already died-out or are now dying out because of lack of members. In the past, the number of active members is at least 25-40 per chapter or club. At present, the average number of active members per chapter or club is roughly between 8-15 people. Several chapters of these fraternities and sororities are also struggling, some with only 5 people attending its meetings and activities. What could be the future of Philippine fraternalism?



1. Melling, J.K. (2003). Discovering London's Guilds and Liveries. UK: Shire Publications.

2. Smith, T. (1870). English Gilds. London: Early English Text Society

3. Dennis, V. (2005). Discovering Friendly and Fraternal Societies: Their badges and Regalia. UK: Shire Book publications

4. O.W. Coursey (1908). History and Geography of the Philippine Islands.

5. Fajardo, R. (1998). The Brethren: Masons in the Struggle for Philippine Independence. Manila: E.L. Locsin and the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines.

6. Sarmiento, L. (2019). Odd Fellows: Rediscovering More than 200 Years of History Traditions and Community Service. United States: KDP-Amazon & L. Sarmiento.

7. Odd Fellows Sovereign Grand Lodge (1897-1940). Journal of Proceedings of the I.O.O.F. USA: Sovereign Grand Lodge.

8. Official fraternity/sorority websites



TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. The Encyclopedia of Philippine Fraternities and Sororities 
(In progress).

TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Odd Fellows: Rediscovering More Than 200 Years of History, Traditions, and Community Service (KDP Amazon, 2019).

TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Odd Fellows Manual: Modern Guide to the Origin, History, Rituals, Symbols and Organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (KDP Amazon, 2020).

TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Ancient Rites of Odd Fellowship: Revisiting the Revised Ritual of the Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows, 1797 (KDP Amazon, 2020).

TITLE: Sarmiento, Louie Blake S. Odd Fellows Encampment: Brief History and Introduction to the Degrees, Symbols, Teachings and Organization of Patriarchal Odd Fellowship (KDP Amazon, 2020).

About the Author

Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento finished his Associate in Health Science Education in 2007; Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Certificate in Human Resource Management and Certificate in Women’s Studies in 2010; Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology in 2013; and Juris Doctor (law) degree in 2020.


He is instrumental in re-establishing Odd Fellowship in the Philippines. He is a Past Grand and Past District Deputy Sovereign Grand Master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is credited for connecting thousands of members from various countries when he created and managed the first social media groups and pages of the “Independent Order of Odd Fellows” and "Odd Fellows International" from 2009-2019. He is also credited for writing and creating most of the modern literature and infographics about Odd Fellowship on the internet at a time when the organization had almost zero presence online, including the first YouTube videos and the wikipedia entries about the Odd Fellows. Because of his contributions, he was appointed as Public Relations Coordinator and member of both the Communications Committee and the Revitalization Committee of the Sovereign Grand Lodge from 2012-2015. He spent more than six years visiting hundreds of Lodges and several Grand Lodges across the United States and Canada to read hundreds of journals, records and books; observe Grand Lodge sessions and meetings; and conduct interviews to be able to write books about the Odd Fellows.


He is an advocate for the preservation of historical fraternal organizations, service clubs and civic associations. He is a member of all branches of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), including the Rebekah Lodge, Encampment and Patriarchs Militant. He is also affiliated with the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (GUOOF); Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans (AMOS); Noble Order of Muscovites (Muscovites); International Order of DeMolay (IOD); International Order of Free Gardeners (IOFG); Universal Druid Order (UDO); Ordo Supremus Militaris Templi Hierosolymitani (OSMTH); Knights of Rizal (KOR); The Fraternal Order of Eagles - Philippine Eagles (TFOE-PE); and Tau Gamma Phi or Triskelion Grand Fraternity (TGP). As a hobby, he writes articles and collects books and artifacts related to fraternal organizations, service clubs and other civic associations.


1. Odd Fellows Rediscovering More than 200 Years of History, Traditions and Community Service (Odd Fellows history and its relationship with world history)

Full color:

Black and White:



2. Odd Fellows Manual: Modern Guide to the Origin, History, Rituals, Symbols and Organization of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (brief history, organizational structure, and generally-accepted internal rules and principles)

Full color:

Black and white:


3. Ancient Rites of Odd Fellowship: Revisiting the Revised Rituals of the Order of Patriotic Odd Fellows, 1797

Black and white:



4. Odd Fellows Encampment: A Brief History and Introduction to Patriarchal Odd Fellowship

Full color:



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  1. Hello sir, as an added information: Freemasonry must have or may be old too because the Lodge Mother Kilwinning under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was formed around the 12th Century. It is possible that during this time Operative Masons were already practicing the ancient rituals and symbols of the said fraternity.


    1. Yes, thanks. Many English Fraternal orders can trace its roots from operative craft guilds of the 12th to 17th centuries before they evolved into speculative. To name a few: Free Masons, Free Gardeners, Odd Fellows, Mechanics, etc.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  4. Correction sir, alpha phi omega was founded in 1925 by sir frank reed Horton 'a Freemason' and the alpha phi omega aka APO founded our fraternity in 1975 called scouts royale brotherhood....


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