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By Louie Blake Saile Sarmiento Author; Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Juris Doctor AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT Religious and political intolerance and bigotry were very common in England until the end of the 18 th  century. When the monarchy and the churches still held absolute power and influence, any group or person who possessed a new way of thinking was at once branded as blasphemous, heretic, a cult follower, a witch, or even a devil-worshiper. In fact there was a time when churches condemned their followers from intermingling with those professing other religious beliefs. [i]  There was a time when a Catholic was prohibited from marrying a Protestant or a Muslim, vice-versa. Those who were found guilty of going against their commands were subjected to torture or were persecuted to death and, in many cases, burned at the stake.  Thousands of people across Europe, mainly women, were charged with witchcraft   and were burned for petty reasons. Wi


ORDER OF THE KNIGHTS OF RIZAL QUICK FACTS WHO ARE THE KNIGHTS OF RIZAL?  Established in 1911, the Knights of Rizal (KOR) is the sole order of knighthood in the Philippines. The KOR is not a fraternity or fraternal order but a chivalric order. There is a knighthood ceremony and degrees of membership but there are no secret handshakes or passwords. It is a civic and patriotic organization. The KOR is created to honor and uphold the ideals of Philippine national hero Jose Rizal. Its ranks and insignia are recognized in the Honors Code of the Philippines as official awards of the Republic and is the Eighth Class Rank in the order of precedence of civilian decorations of the Orders, decorations and medals of the Philippines.   The KOR was granted a legislative charter by President Elpidio Quirino as a non-sectarian, non-partisan, non-racial civic, patriotic, and cultural organization under Republic Act 646 on June 14, 1951. The Order's insignia has since been approved to be worn by the