
Showing posts from October, 2017


A RESEARCH STUDY: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HYPERMASCULINITY AND ATTITUDE TOWARDS HAZING AMONG FRATERNITY MEMBERS By Louie Blake S. Sarmiento Master of Arts in Industrial/Organizational Psychology Juris Doctor – III Abstract This study explored the relationship between hypermasculinity and attitude towards hazing among fraternity members in Silliman University. The 60-item Auburn Differential Masculinity Inventory and the self-constructed Hazing Inventory was administered to 162 male college students enrolled and identified members of registered fraternities in  Silliman   University  during the school year 2009-2010. Results showed a computed value of r=+0.66 and is considered statistically significant at 0.05 level of significance with a table value of .195 leading to the conclusion that there is a significant and positive relationship between hypermasculinity and attitude towards hazing. Findings also indicated that hypermasculine men tend to agree with physical hazing b

Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of the Philippines Instituted

Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of the Philippines Instituted  Evolving from the traditions of the craft guilds in England, the Odd Fellows was first founded over 250 years ago. Our branch, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F.), was organized on the North American continent on April 26, 1819. The Odd Fellows first spread in the Philippines in 1872 with numerous military lodges, Odd Fellows Clubs and Odd Fellow Associations established across the islands. When the Spanish-Filipino-American war ended, the I.O.O.F. officially chartered "Manila Lodge no.1" in Manila on July 29, 1902 composed of the government officials, military men and prominent businessmen. The lodge owned a building and the state finances was equally healthy and in sound condition. Manila Encampment No.1 and Luzon Lodge No.2 followed when it was chartered in 1915. Unfortunately, Japan occupied the Philippines during World War II at the beginning of 1941. For how many years, Filipino guerril

First District Deputy Grand Sire of Odd Fellows Philippines

Judge Charles Burritt, First District Deputy Grand Sire of Odd Fellows Philippines O.W. Coursey, History and Geography of the Philippine Islands . The earliest record of the existence of the Odd Fellows Fraternity in the Philippines goes back in 1872 when the country was still a colony of Spain. Many Odd Fellows Associations, military lodges and unofficial Odd Fellows' clubs existed in many parts of the country, particularly in Manila, Cebu and Leyte. Several brothers served as leaders during the early days of the Fraternity in the country such as "brother Badley" who was a Sergeant of the U.S. Army based in the Philippines. When the Spanish-American war ended, the Odd Fellows Association of Manila which existed as early as 1898 received an official charter from the Sovereign Grand Lodge and was instituted as "Manila Lodge No.1" in 1902. Annually, a District Deputy Grand Sire was appointed by the Sovereign Grand Lodge to serve as liaison officer between